2月1日:Lake Wanaka

Skydive Wanaka 跳伞

Please give us a call on 03 443 7207 or 0800 786 877 the day before to confirm you can still attend. We also ask our customers to give us a ring on the day, 30 minutes before your booking time, to confirm the weather conditions are good for jumping, and that we are running on time.

We have not taken payment from your credit card today, we will take payment just before your skydive on the day so please bring your credit card with you. We will only take payment if you do not show for your booking.

Remember to bring good footwear, warm clothing and a huge smile. We will provide everything else, such as gloves, hat, goggles, jumpsuit and of course a beautiful stranger for you to jump with !

Please allow 2-3 hours to be with us at the airport. We are a 10 minute drive from Wanaka.



之前了解的新西兰跳伞主要有三个地方:Wanaka,皇后镇,格林诺奇。其中格林诺奇的没有另一人拍摄,只有教练手持摄像机,但价格便宜;皇后镇的是NZONE公司,这家价格较贵,但是拍摄质量很好,大家可以考虑。选定Wanaka Skydive是因为我想要另一个人拍摄这样可以拍到整个人

瓦纳卡的迷宫世界(Puzzling World)

价格:大迷宫 + 幻想房17.5纽币


迷宫距离镇中心2公里,营业时间:08:30 - 17:30/17:00,游览时间大概需要1个小时。门票就是盖在手背上的印章.

Wanaka Nation Transport & Toy Museum:

驾车离开瓦纳卡小镇回皇后镇约八公里的地方时,被路边高悬的一辆老爷车所吸引,当我们把车拐进去一看,原来这儿是一座很棒的博物馆-瓦纳卡国家交通和玩具博物馆(Wanaka Nation Transport & Toy Museum )。