every now n then schools of tiny teeny fish would cross paths n i was like surrounded by little shiny snowflakes, n its amazing to see how the eclipse butterflyfish has a black banded stripe running through the eyes from top down just wide enough to cover the eyes n near the tail there's a fake eye pattern five times the size of its real eye in the obvious purpose of better self protection, i guess this is the opposite of a camouflage...reef sharks occasionally swim over in full grace, patrolling its own territory....I had to thank my cheap Olympus underwater camera for doing such a nice job, at $142 its my sofar most worthwhile purchase for the year, how I wish I had this in Belize, to be able to record memories of the magnificent great mayan reef in the unique azure waters of caribe, just two meters under there it was the lybarinthic maze of distinctive colored corals n fish, gropers of half metre long, lobsters hiding in small cavern holes, n bright colored sea snails on the pink or purple fan corals, huge nurse sharks n stingrays coming over in packs, flipping up n down checking their human friends out, welcoming us intruders with open fins lol....to me its the best meditation of all kinds, to be able to dive under water n shield from all the noises of the land world, even for just a while, to feel the true harmony one can have with mother nature n other lifeforms, thats when there's no fierce sharks of course lol...I must go to the Caribbean again. Sometime, hope not too far away...