风雨兼程South Shore, 号称秀丽的冰岛南岸居然有了些许the end of the world的气息
我对酒店的评价:Accomodation is more basic than I expected, but the breakfast helps this little hotel earn some points from me
在冰岛,每个新的一天都是以heavy breakfast开始的,不然不够体力玩满一天
风雨兼程South Shore, 号称秀丽的冰岛南岸居然有了些许the end of the world的气息
我对酒店的评价:Accomodation is more basic than I expected, but the breakfast helps this little hotel earn some points from me
在冰岛,每个新的一天都是以heavy breakfast开始的,不然不够体力玩满一天