I was walking in Mid Town, when I saw a person with a sign directing customers to visit Taam Tov. The gentleman even offered to walk me to the restaurant. As I was very hungry I decided to follow the gentleman. As the restaurant was on the third floor of an office building in the Jewelry District I thought to myself, I am going to have a delicious meal. The service was good and I was seated quickly and given a beverage menu. I ordered a large order of well done lamb chops and a bottle of imported juice from Israel. The juice was very good so I ordered another bottle. I could not believe that when the waiter brought my meal, the lamb was not cooked properly so I sent it back and asked if they understood that I want the lamb very well done. The waiter apologized and a few minutes later brought back the plate with almost inedible lamb chops. The shoulder cut lamb chops were of the poorest quality and was very disappointing. I ate the delicious baked potato and quickly left the restaurant in search of another restaurant to have dinner. I would not recommend this restaurant to my worst enemy. This will be the last time I follow the recommendation of a representative of a restaurant steering people to an inconvenient third floor walk up. This is the first restaurant that I have judged as being poor. If it wasn't for the good service, excellent baked potato it would have been judged terrible