Three of us came wandering in on a snacky whim to Lloyd's. I was thinking it would be a tourist trap of high prices for nothing too special. I was proved wrong in the best way possible. We came in at a weird time before their official dinner hours. The place was dead- which was odd yet very agreeable- for me. We were told the kitchen was not really open so we thought we would get some light bites and some modest amount of alcohol to celebrate our time together. Being with fluent Spanish speakers, we learned that our server was originally from Ecuador- (a place two of us will be traveling to later this year!) and all of the sudden he was our new best friend. He brought us 'endless' fresh- 'fresh like just sliced and fried right then' -potato chips (on the house!). He gave out the full menu and told us to order what ever and they would make it. We could no believe this kind of service. The food we had was amazing. I could even recommend the cooked spinach side dish! My friend insisted she would take care of the bill so I am not sure, but I think the slice of cake that was brought to us for dessert was on the house too. I hope the staff won't get in trouble for being so generous with us.. Well- I should think not! Because they will definitely get a repeat visit (or two) out of us before we leave Chicago! With or without the free extras!