The Vasque country has long been acknowledged at the best representation of quality Spanish food, with San Sebastian leading the way. It was only a secret because In the past, the separatist movement made it somewhat dangerous to travel to that region. At that time, La Vasca was the best place to find those delectable northern spanish foods. She was one of the first in Miami to bring quality cheeses, chorizo, cantimpalo, and many other foods typical to northern spain. I began to frequent this place what seems to be twenty years ago. It was the first place I found "queso tetilla" which literally translates to "breast cheese", and its shape is true to its name. The "embutidos" or chacuterie are the best. There are many places to find genuine Spanish fare in Miami, but here you can find virtually everything you need to cook all the spanish classics, and more and they won't gouge you with exorbitant prices.