I've been coming to this location for many, many years (30+). They tore down the old location about 10(?) years ago and rebuilt a new building. Still great. I go to this location about once every year or two (and sometimes more frequently). While the clientele changes over the years, while the servers and chefs change, you can always could on it for solid teppanyaki food, sushi and sake. They work hard to keep the menu fresh, but with all the classics on it. (It seems like they just updated it again recently.) In particular, I love their sake menu. Probably have 10+ sakes and great descriptions for them. Whether your know a lot or little about sake, you can find what you like here. If you like sushi only, then you can enjoy in a more classic sit down area of the restaurant. They often have birthday specials, and you're more likely than not to have a birthday (or other celebration) at your hibachi table.