Kind of like Cheers, it seems that nearly everyone is known by name to the bar tender. It's such a tiny place that goes back a long way to a picnic table way behind the bar. The pictures back there are a hoot, especially the one of the Betty Grable look alikes from the 40's lined up at the bar with their backs to the viewer. When we arrived, the woman tending bar was filling in a couple who had just moved into the neighborhood on what's what in the area. We watched her prepare our gin and tonics with a very generous pour and thought we were special. Not so, everyone is special as she did the same for every order. A guy was shooting pool near the front, the bar was full, a couple occupied the tables in the alcove window, and guys were sitting out front under the marquee lights. As for it being called Sweetie's Art Bar, that's a bit of stretch but the decor is fun. And its fame must be more than local because we saw a woman get out of a cab, have her drinks, and then go off again in a cab. It's a find as the late afternoon patrons who filled the place seemed to know.