The Brickhouse is not glamorous, nor is it classy; it is down home, gritty, and feels a lot like a rec-room from an unrenovated '70's house.... and I'm NOT saying this like it's a bad thing. Wear your jeans, your sweater, your favourite toque - there's no judgement here - it's just all about kickin' back with good LP's playing on the sound system, random art on the walls, and that worn feel that makes me feel like I'm Home in East Van yet again. From the comfy, old school couches to the dart board with missing numbers, the pool table that always seems to be open when I get there, I just feel relaxed and quiet inside whenever I walk through the door. I order up a lovely scotch (they have a killer selection) and a gin and tonic for my girlfriend, play some darts, lounge, visit the goldfish tanks in the corner, and chill.