I ate here many times over the past couple months. Food is decent most times, however the portions are not. If you order Ackee & salt fish, you get less than a quarter cup of Ackee for 7$ something. The dish is mostly dumplin', boiled banana and a miniscule piece of Jamaican potato. After the first time having breakfast there, I ordered double order of Ackee & salt fish, paid for it, left, got home to eat it only to discover that it was just one tinly portion of Ackee & saltifsih in the box. Almost 12$ for pure dumpling and a bare taste of Ackee. Disappointing to say the least. I go back the next Sunday an mention the lack of double Ackee in my last paid for meal and the cashier asks me I I want the double Ackee again. I say yes and she goes to charge for it. I explain to her that I did not get the double Ackee last time and that I don't want to pay for it again if I am not gonna get it. She is totally buffled and tells me that if I want the double Ackee I must mention it to the person that dishes it out. Really ? There is a receipt that they read from so there should be no confusion. Still somehow I manage to get back my double Ackee from the week before, that I paid for it. Today I go there for lunch order a piece of kingfish and a fried dumpling. 7$ the older lady who usually dishes out the food gives me a piece of kingfish and 2 half sliced onion with a sliver of a carrot. I ask her to put on some more onion and carrot on it and she says it's extra. I say what ? Usually some onion and carrot come with kingfish. She says no that's extra. So she can keep her 10/20 cent extra onion and carrot but she just lost a regular customer.