This place was recommended by our concierge at Marriott Cypress harbour. What a fabulous choice. We were 4 families, total lying 16 people. Been unfamiliar with the menu and portion size I discussed our choices with a very helpful lady on the phone. Settling on a few different pizzas and pasta options, with salad and some appetisers we tiotally over ordered. Portions were larger than anticipated and the pizzas huge. The pasta portions would easily serve 4 as part of a wider meal and the pizzas were 10 large slices. Everything was superb. Tastey and nicely cooked, and even delivered with plastic cutlery. Certainly one of the best Italian takeaway we've had. Bravo to the kitchen team and delivery guys. Next time we're in Orlando we will be sure to check out the restaurant. My kids never believe people read my reviews, so if you found this helpful I would appreciate your vote. It's always good to prove them wrong sometimes.