The coffee house is not that bad but no one of the service staff want to be responsible for the new guests. We were four of us and asked for a table and not even one of the 3 waiters who were standing near the entrance tried to help us. After we found a place to sit one waiter came to take the order. 5 minutes later another one came and asked us what we have ordered. And 5 more minutes a waitress came and asked: "Did you order coffee?" After 15 minutes waiting we asked another waiter about our order. Then it took only 2 minutes to get the coffee. It was served black. The waiter disappeared already so we asked another one to bring us some coffee milk. Nothing happened. At the end the 3rd waiter brought us the cream. All together it took about 25 minutes until we were able to drink the coffee. When I went down to the toilets there was a black woman cleaning the toilets. She were greeting me friendly. I gave her 1 Euro for her kindness and good service. The toilets were really clean. She really deserved the tipps. .... but the waiters in the coffee shop didn't deserve even a small coin. So they got nothing.