We went the other night with a group of friends to have dinner and I have to say that the food was quite good! The problem was actually the service, we had a lazy waiter sort of speak, when we ask for the bill he was just clearly not in the mood to make us pay separatedly to much work for him I guess (I know is not normal to pay separately in Spain, but it is very normal here in Germany) we had to ask him several times to please let us pay separately but he kept on saying things like 'don't you have calculator in your phones? use it', believe me we were very surprise of his attitude! but at the end, reluctantly, he came (I regret tipping him btw) So by this time I can assure you, we were very much ready to go, when he goes and says 'I forgot to charge the taxes, you have to pay extra' we could not believe it!! when one of our friends told him that normally that is included in the prices how come we have to pay extra for taxes, he just said 'this is a spanish place' Needles to say we won't be going back to that place, and it is really a shame because the food is not as bad as the service.