Went to Cafe Concerto last night. Phoned in a reservation before the event. Spoke with the chef/owner of the business. Mentioned to him that our group (4 people) had never been there before. He made no mention of the fact that there is no booze or vino in the establishment. It was raining hard outside (not his fault), but after we got inside the building and found out it was a BYOB restaurant, we really wondered why the owner did not mention this to us when we phoned in. SO one of our guests got back out into the rainy night (downpour actually), and headed to the nearest market to buy some wine. Meantime, back at the gig, the other guests ordered some salad that had small pieces of salted bread and a few small slices of tomato on the side. Guest buying the wine returned with some bottles, and then joined in eating some of this salad. Salad was nothing special, although the greens were fresh and leafy, the tomatoes were fairly small, lacking any hearty "Italian" taste. On the menu, there was one type of spaghetti that you could get with many types of sauce and meat selections - "angel hair". There was also ravioli, and penne. I am only guessing that the ravioli was home made, but the other pasta was not. My penne was certainly not home made. The sauces on any give dish were tasty, not over seasoned, and not just slopped on the pasta . . . this aspect of the dinner was done right - in other words, the pasta was not "floating in sauce" like some restaurants prepare pasta and sauce. Generally speaking, there was more than we could eat, and the guests all gave the food a 7 out of 10 rating. Ambiance inside the place got a 3 out of ten though. This is a small place and it just cannot be that hard to "dress' it up a little - I know, because I have been to Italy, where the chef says he is from, so I wonder why he doesn't do a better job of fixing the interior up a little bit to make it acceptable ? Seems like the whole place is being run on a shoe string, and additionally,