The terrible parking should have been a sign to just keep moving. But it was getting late and we were hungry. We snagged one of maybe 9 street parking spots (don't park in the alley lot beside the restaurant, it's for a burger place and apparently they will tow). The inside of the restaurant was small. Since there weren't many people there (again, writing on the wall), we were immediately seated. The restaurant had several pasta options. I was torn between the penne with tomato sauce or the more expensive penne with Ragu / meat sauce. I went with the latter, not realizing that the total lack of any red sauce would make the pasta very dry. When the food came, I requested some extra red sauce on top of the pasta. The waitress was shocked and appalled. She asked me several times, loudly, what I meant. I guess she had never gotten a request for red sauce on pasta before? Anyway, she took my plate and huffed away. Then the owner?/cook got involved. He was evidently very insulted that I had asked for red sauce and demanded multiple times, again loudly, to know what was wrong with the dish. I repeated that all I wanted was some red sauce on my pasta, accepted fault for ordering the wrong thing, but that I was obviously still going to eat the meal - I just wanted them to add some red sauce. You would have thought I had thrown the food on the wall by how outraged he was. They ended up adding some red sauce , of course with a ridiculous up charge. The food was fine, but the service and treatment of customers left a bad taste in my mouth. Will not return, do not recommend.