We discovered this restaurant a few years ago during a visit to Vancouver. It's located in a small multi-ethnic downstairs food court near the UBC campus. While the atmosphere is cafeteria-like, with previously-prepared entrees in buffet pans, it is clean and quite intriguing (you could always get the food for carry-out). This past weekend we spent a weekend in Vancouver and made this a planned lunch stop while biking around the city. The UBC area is beautiful, and a worthwhile destination. I ordered a plate of rice with a combo of two dishes. The lovely and gracious woman who was serving me offered a "taste" of a third dish I had been considering. She proceeded to give me a nice-size serving, about 1/2 cup, of the third dish, offering this generous sample despite knowing from our brief exchange of words that I only visit Vancouver once a year at best and am consequently unlikely to bring in much business. The food is delicious. I had a spicy peas/paneer dish; a lentil/spinach dal-like dish; and cauliflower/potatoes aloo gobi "sample". There are several entrees from which to choose, both vegetarian and non-veg. There's no waiting, and it's an unbelievable bargain in a city where prices are high. For my heaping plate of food, I paid $6.25 Canadian! If you're looking for fine dining, this isn't the place for you. If you're looking for a good meal on a budget, don't miss it. We'll be back next year during our annual weekend in Vancouver!