Stumbled on this place through a review in Lonely Planet. It is the definition of hole in the wall, in every good way. It is on the Gion side of the Sanjo Dori bridge, basically across the street from the Koto hotel. Due to its location it is a great jumping off point for a night out in Gion or Pontocho. It is a small, very casual, one room restaurant that consists of 12-15 seats at the bar and they have a menu of 12 chicken meats / parts yakatori plus a pork option and some deep fried items. The staff didn't speak English, but were very friendly and had English and picture menus. With limited Japanese and pointing, you can order to your heart's content. The food was great and VERY cheap. We ate our fill of great Yakatori for 1300 yen ( total, for 2 people). Definitely not a place to go if you are trying to impress a date, but for good food at a great price in the middle of the nightlife area in Kyoto it is hard to beat.