Ladies Purse is located on the 2nd floor of the Sha Tin Racecourse but unfortunately is only open to members of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, making this a difficult restaurant to dine out if you are not a guest of a HKJC member. The menu includes many 'Western style' dishes along with some typical Asian and local cuisine to meet the taste and food preferences of the predominately local members. During our last lunch here, we enjoyed a decent grilled pork chop on the bone that was pretty good. Similarly, sides were fine but truthfully nothing prepared at home (rating 3 of 5) making this a good but not spectacular lunch. For visitors to the Sha Tin Racecourse eager to dine at the tracks, you can try the Pak Sing or Jun Hui Ting restaurants, which are open to the general public. For more information about these restaurants visit the Hong Kong Jockey Club website pages for the Sha Tin Racecourse.