My partner and I have been wanting to go to this place for sometime now, given the great reviews and how nice the setting outside looks! 1. The waiter did not care whatsoever about our reservation or outside table confirmation. Had we known that we would be forced to sit inside, we would have gone during a season that requires you to be inside ! This completely defeated the purpose of enjoying a nice dinner outside, on a warm evening. There is a lack of ambiance or any sort of atmosphere inside, it would be nice if the kitchen door was at least closed so we did not need to hear all the shouting and rearranging of pots and cutlery. 2. The wine selection is impressive, but their two-page food menu is beyond disappointing. It is said that small menus are based around signature ditches that cater for everyone and this one in particular indicated fresh home-made ingredients. Having said this, the kitchen could not get a lobster ravioli on the plate, that did not taste like it was cooked couple of days ago. Masking it in a over-salted sauce does not make it taste better or look "fresh and home made". 3. In my extensive traveling and dining-out experience, I have never tasted such a over-salted spaghetti with a dry and flavorless attempt of a bolognese. What kind of an Italian restaurant fails at making the most basic of pasta dishes ??! 4. We have addressed both our reservation and dish issues with two waiters, but that did not bother them at all. I would have expected at least an apology for lying to us regarding our reservation or at the very least a deduction/glass of something /dish replacement of whatever that plate of noodles was. Obviously none of this was offered and we paid our overpriced disappointment of dishes. 5. Giving you receipts or a cardholder receipt is not a concept there. You need make a separate request to get one. This makes me wonder whether withholding a cardholder copy legal? Would definitely not recommend this place to anyone.