While staying at the Hilton my wife and I stopped in at Zeta bar for a drink. When we arrived we were pleased that it wasn't too busy and found some seats. After seating a waitress brought us some waters and gave us a minute to look over the menu. Unfortunately she never came back. This was fine as the bar itself had little to no line. The only difficulty was trying to carry the drinks back, as their drinks are on platters and in pineapples. The drinks available all sound amazing. We only had one each but there are so many to choose from. The drink in the pineapple did not have a lot of actual liquid. I had a special mango sorbet with rum. It was good fun and like nothing I have ever tried before. The cocktails all ranged from $20-$25 so I think this is best enjoyed when it is not so busy i.e. early evening. When we left around 10, the entry we had came in was closed and only the front elevator entry with bouncers was open. This had a bit of a line of a younger crowd built up too.