If you would like to sneak away from the crowded tourist traps of Paris center and experience a real neighborhood cafe, I highly recommend Le Boucl'art. This corner bistro encompasses everything the average American tourist dreams of finding on a visit to the city of lights: jazz humming softly in the background, a traditional brass espresso machine barking out lattes, glass walls open wide to the street in the summer or sealed against winter cold and, best of all, local clientele from all walks of life planted in their chairs watching the world go by. The brightly colored seats on the sidewalk are there rain or shine, protected by traditional red awnings and providing a much needed contrast to the sometimes rather concrete dominated landscape of Paris. Alas, you will NOT have a story to tell your friends of the stereotypical Parisian waiter snub. Everyone here is helpful, friendly and fast moving. English is limited but there is enough to take your order and the menu isn't difficult to figure out. And who cares what you order anyway? It’s all good. Best of all, in a city that most definitely sleeps (sometimes with no real pattern to openings and closings) Le Boucl'art always seems to be open--from 7am to 2am. Right next to Metro 9 at Maraichers or just a bit further from M. 1 Porte de Vincennes. Free Wifi available for writing reviews on TripAdvisor.