I ambled around the area near my hotel in search of a restaurant that looked to be worth a try, and settled on Wiesengrund. The outside seating looked comfortable and wasn't crowded, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. The waitress combined an intriguing but not unattractive lack of upper underwear with a highly disagreeable lack of a smile. Although far from fluent "auf Deutsch", I can just about hold my own. I know when someone's yanking my chain and pretending not to understand my request for a beer, though we got there at the second attempt (which was soon followed by a query of "do you understand the menu?"). I ordered from the daily specials board - actually a French veal dish. The waitress didn't seem to understand, even when I pointed to it on the menu, so she went to get the chef who clearly understood everything I was saying and nipped off to cook. Now, I can't put my hand on my heart and say for definite that a microwave oven was involved in the production of my culinary selection for the evening, but there's a better than even chance that it was. This was disappointing because although the meal was tasty, the meat had that feel of something that had not been freshly cooked. The surroundings were lovely, the range of beers was excellent (and the two I tried were super), but the service and the food quality lead me to recommend that you don't try "Wiesengrund".