I decided to eat at Phils Cafe after seeing a trip advisor sign in he window. Someone should really remove this sign because it is discrediting trip advisor, and misleading all the innocent customers. I went to Phil's with my girlfriend for diner. There were only 2 other tables occupied in the restaurant and they had already been served while we ordered. Just so you have an idea of how not busy it was. The menu claims to have some great French dishes, being a cafe and all, so I thought I would try the club house sandwich and fries. Always a classic meal and should always be a fool's proof recipe for anyone to cook. This club house claimed to have fresh baked bread and would come with home cut French fries. So, sounds fantastic right?.........wrong.......so wrong. My girlfriend ordered a stirfry veg will Chiang Mai sausage, and considering we were now the only table to be served how long could it take?.......well, we were sitting patiently for over half and hour. This is still not a problem for us, because waiting for quality food is worth it.......but wait a second.......this was not quality food.......not even for those cute Chiang Mai dogs roaming the streets. So my girlfriends stirfry came out first looking like a soup with all of that msg seasoned liquid drowning the vegetables, and then came my club house. At first glance I knew it was going to be trouble, the home cut fries were just like fries you would find at McDonalds. As I took my first/ last bite of the sandwich I realized the fresh baked bread had white spotting on it as if it was badly freezer burned or fearing the worst....mold. It was so dry and tasting off that I had to spit it into my napkin trying not to cause a seen. The clubhouse was completely cold and with a fried egg and bacon inside I wondered how long it was sitting around the kitchen. And the menu had pictures of most items and my sandwich looked nothing like the photo. Actually there was a big thumb print in the top of the dry bread (big