Recommended by a local, we were sure to check trip advisor prior reviews. Crowded, but we only waited 5 minutes for our table which was right adjacent to the kitchen service window so we see the goings on there. We were served with a comp dish immediately which was a calamari stuffed with carozzo on a stick amd fried. Excellent. Next a plate of traditional Sardinian flat bread drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkled with fresh rosemary... Giuseppe, the captain/owner ? (Not sure) told us he didn't speak English...we made out just fine. We started with sparkling water as always, and ordered a Capichera Classico, 2014 Sardinian white that was 50 E and worth it. Smooth, refreshing, nice finish... We saw a shared dish a couple at the next table were eating. It was "Antipasto Misto Crudo"...Giuseppe ordered it, we had it a moment later. Two oysters, two langoustinos, two sweet shrimp, four pieces tuna sashimi, two pieces of raw sea bass, and some tuna attached. The wine was really good. Giuseppe asked if we wanted cooked fish, and i responded a "Grilled Pesce Misto" would be nice. Again, for two of us. It had orata, calamari, sepia, langoustinos, and fried attached. We when we finished a bottle each of Mirto and Limoncello were put in front of us, along with cookies and almond chocolate brittle. Dinner 70 Euro...Wine...50 Euro...Il Faro PRICELESS And, we were able to get Uber back to our hotel too