Man, listen. I don't like pizza that much. Really. But after an event at the Verizon Center, a friend coerced me into it. So we step in about 30 minutes until closing an order a large American to share. 8 minutes later we get served the best-smelling pizza I've ever encountered. I'll only have one slice, I say to myself. Four slices later, I have to tell the cashier how I don't like pizza that much (he says "really?" LOL) but this was the best pizza I've had in my life. He takes his time (even when they're almost at closing time, which meant a great deal) and explains how they make the dough fresh every morning and how every ingredient is fresh and how he really enjoys working there and loves the pizza too. This was not scripted, folks. I mean, he really loves his job. Which makes you kinda love the pizza. It all just works so well.