We started off our trip in a beautiful restaurant, but then we came here. The large old waiter was SO incredibly rude and practically threw the menu at us. None of the staff unfortunately spoke a word of English, resulting in 3 out of our 4 meals (they mistook a pepperoni Pizzi for a pepperoni pizza...) being completely wrong. Finally, after receiving our correct meals, we were faced with a bill which magically added a mysterious charge of 6 euros to our bill. After conversation with the rude waiter, he got even ruder and told us we must pay. We eventually told him we were categorically NOT paying his additional charge and he threatened to damage our limbs. Eventually we decided it was not worth the confrontation and paid the full amount. The additional amount we paid was then subsequent thrown in the direction we were walking and nearly cracked a local bars window. This behaviour is absolutely unexceptional and has disgraced the city. I will not be bringing future clients to this establishment. AVOID