Picture this, last Saturday, I was at Opera with friends for a birthday. The guys are in and out of the bathroom and each one of them through the night are complaining about the bathroom attendant and him trying to swindle money from them. I wasn't quite sure what they were talking about because I tipped him after I used the bathroom. Well, the last time I went to the bathroom the guy tried to swindle me as well. He told me that if I "wanted to do drugs in the bathroom that I needed to let him know so he could take care of me." He went on to say that he " worked closely with security" and pointed to his walky talky on his belt as if to threaten me. Naturally I told this loser off and he was out of his mind trying to bribe me and my friends for extra cash. I informed him he didn't know me, my friends, or what we were doing in that stall and to mind his own business and that I was reporting him." I've only been there three or four times but have spent a couple grand there in botttle service and could not believe this guy's nerve for trying to swindle us. I am so upset over this! I will never go there again and have nothing good to say about it either. I called the manager and complained the following evening about this guy. Hopefully he's looking for another job. Blackmailing us, really???