Stumbled across this place one night during our stay after having over indulged in a few of the local bars, needless to say the local wine and beer had gone down a treat and the time came when you decide to treat yourself to something just about edible your probably going to regret in the morning. Can't remember exactly what I'd had but know that I'd finished it on my way home and i'd enjoyed it that much I decided I'd turn round and go and get another one. The owners were a lovely couple from Paris Who took great pride in there work who patiently put up with me and my girlfriend probably being slightly annoying at the time ha. we woke up on our last day and decided we had to go back and try them compos mentis, we ordered them to be wrapped up for when we were at the airport and the nice fella gave my girlfriend a small bottle of prosecco to wash it down with, once again these sandwiches were amazing and didn't disappoint Thanks again Scott & Lucy