My fiancé and I stopped by Cucina for a little Sunday brunch, and were bitterly disappointed. We don't eat breakfast out all that often but when we do, it's held to a reasonable standard for something you're paying someone else to make... Smashed avo on toast with haloumi. I'll give them this: they served the haloumi fresh and hot so it wasn't a rubbery mess. Credit where credit is due, though this is something you'd come to expect from a professional and branded establishment. There are essentially two elements to avocado toast. They managed to screw both up. The avocado (advertised with fetta) was halfway between smashed and pulverised. It could almost have come out of a packet of "chunky avocado" dip, and the fetta was non-existent. Alright, I shouldn't exaggerate, it existed, but the total amount of cheese would easily have all fit on top of a single cherry tomato. Not a large one. Unseasoned and bland, this was a serious blah. This could have been forgiven were it on a delicious, thick, fresh, crisp piece of fluffy focaccia toast... alas no. The "toast" was a focaccia sliced in half, sandwich-style so there was a tough crust on the bottom. It wasn't toasted enough to make this crust breakable, only enough to strengthen it somehow and make it like trying to cut through a piece of leather holding the toppings. I'm sure this could be solved by better knives, but should you really need a chainsaw to get through breakfast?? It wasn't just my dish either, every single person who'd received this "toast" was seen trying to cut through the table and all the way to France, with no regard for their poor crockery. When we gave them the feedback afterwards (they were too busy to complain during the meal, and it had taken long enough to come out anyway) they didn't bat an eyelid. Zero care given. One of the servers not taking care of us heard the complaint and gave us one of our coffees for free, but this is a poor way of kicking people out the door. All they had to do was t