Popped in here around 10pm after a visit to Sentosa Island, entrance is located on the 3rd floor of the Shopping Mall. Having been in Singapore for a few days now I've discovered that most of the portions served are small & drink is just ridiculously priced, (which is why I'll never come back) On that basis we ordered several sides along with our main meal but discovered the portions were massive & couldn't east it all, pleasant surprise. Also the beers (Heineken in my case) was priced at $9 per pint so not too bad. If your a smoker they don't have a smoking area but we were seated by the door to the outside balcony & told we could nip outside for a sneaky one. Waitress was a bit slow to take our order but once I caught her eye she scuttled over, food came at different times but I gather this is a Singapore tradition. If we were in this area again we'd def go back.