I ate here recently, and if I was rating only the food, I'd give it somewhere between 3 and 4 points. The € 21 menu is a good deal, and comes with a small starter soup, a salady concoction, several dumplings, rice, and six condiments (kimchi, green beans, etc.). My meat was grilled slices of pork. The waitress warned me it was very spicy, but to my taste buds it was merely mildly warm. And copious; but also a bit greasy. My bottle of Hite beer, despite being imported from Korea, tasted cold and fresh. HOWEVER, and this is a big however, the music the restaurant played throughout my meal was some gawdawful electro-pop. I told the manager (in French) that I thought the music choice was more suitable for dancing (and that was being generous) than for relaxed dining, but he just looked at me as if I had arrived from another planet. Fine. I won't be a return customer.