All I'll say is that I waited two minutes at the host stand while waiting for one of the many hosts buzzing past me to stop and seat me. No recognition from anyone, just the clear sense that I was in the way. Finally after a couple minutes, and as the rest of my party arrived (group of 6 of us for a lunch during our workday - with a reservation), the manager noticed us and tried to seat us. He kind of just fumbled around behind the stand, clearly waiting for one of his employees to come to actually seat us. Whatever. We were seated, got waters a few minutes later, and then watched for probably 6-7 minutes while hosts attended to every table around us but ours. Not even the manager, who was so eager to declare himself as such and who continued to mull around the restaurant floor, stopped to ask if we'd been helped. After so long without even the opportunity to place our drink orders, we got up and left. Went to the Highline down the street, which I imagine was a much better all-around experience than JBC would have been.