This was a recommendation of Chinzanso Toyko Hotel. It was excellent in every way, and far better than Miyuki, which is in Chinzanso Hotel. It is also 1/4 as expensive as Miyuki! Yanagi's sushi was exceptionally good quality. The three chefs behind the bar were very nice and friendly - despite our lack of Japanese. There were doing making a ton of sushi - always a good sign - for the restaurant upstairs and for delivery. It is was incredibly inexpensive -two of us were stuffed for 6500 yen!! Miyuki was twice that for one person, and not as good. Other patrons, all locals, were also very nice. We will go back again on this trip - no need to look for anywhere better having found Yanagi. Note: the picture with this listing is terrible! I will post better pictures from our next visit. Enjoy!