Second visit as a reciprocal club member. A lovely, peaceful oasis close to Orchard MRT and many bus routes. There is a gorgeous and very large pool, several restaurants and the accommodation is spacious and well maintained. All the other things you would expect from this kind of club, including sports facilities. The main restaurant is the Churchill Room, where we had an excellent dinner, with good service. The Wheelhouse, by the pool, is where they “serve” breakfast. The choice is limited and I put serve in quotes because it was poor – slow and not a smile evident anywhere. In fact, this was true elsewhere in the facility, including the front desk. The front desk was efficient and helpful if asked, but are the staff trained to not smile? Our air conditioning wasn’t working when we arrived and when I asked the front desk if it could be fixed (it was 36C outside) they shrugged and suggested it was a hot day. She agreed to report it to maintenance, but noted that it was a Sunday. Nevertheless, a little later a cheerful maintenance man showed up and agreed there was a problem. He called in another engineer and they fixed it. This was the best service of the entire stay. Our last meal was in the tavern – excellent pub grub and friendly service. NOTE that the comments below relate only to food and, since we ate in trhee reataurants (hence "other", below), it was difficult to rate. I tried to rate collectively.