This is my first visit to Mouth Restaurant. I remembered this restaurant when it had its first outlet at Chinatown Point whereby many patrons would queue for their food. We ordered some Tim sum and dishes. I must say their Tim sum are good. However the dishes needs lots of improvement. 1) Fried carrot cake - Our fried carrot cake contain vinegar. Service staff took the dish back to check and came back to inform that the chef had used the wrong sauce. We were given a replacement and it don't taste great! 2) Herbal Prawn - The soup is tasty to my liking. When I use the chopstick to pick up the prawn, I noticed that the shell have been removed, leaving just the prawn head and tail. Before I could put the prawn in my mouth, the prawn head got detached and dropped off. The horror came when I had the first bite of the prawn, it's yucky, chalky and mushy! We learnt from the service staff they used frozen prawn instead of fresh prawn! An individual bowl cost $8.80 is a ripped off when the restaurant uses such frozen poor quality prawn! This shall be the first and probably the last time we enter Mouth Restaurant!