We brought an overseas visitor to savour some local favourites. She was attracted by the colourful Pappa Rich rice. But when it was served, it was a far cry from the menu. My first reaction - Misrepresentation!!. The rice was just plain yellow. We have to dig through the whole plate just to find a tiny bit of a carrot. There were a few raisins and perhaps some discoloured peas. What a disappointment. The service staff were grouchy. The only time one waitress managed a smile was when this visitor asked her to take a photo of us with her DSLR camera. Another guest asked for an additional bowl of satay sauce. When it was brought, the waitress simply left it on the table and the guest who asked for it was sitting at the far end This overseas guest also wanted to try the roti prata which is like a "must eat" when in Singapore. We were there at about 8.00 and it was sold out.