Made my second visit on Friday 22nd January and the place was quite busy. It took a while to get served at the bar but as the barmaid was on her own I didn't mind this. The second round was when the problem came, I ordered two pints of Guinness and a pint of San Miguel and the barmaid forgot the San Miguel at first, asking for £6.30 for the two pints of Guinness. After I reminded her about the San Miguel the price jumped to over £12! Maybe I should have realised sooner but I didn't and I just paid her. It's not like she was rushed off her feet at this point, I was the only person at the bar. My friend bought the same round again (different bar maid, the one who served my had gone home as far as I could tell) and it came to £9 something. I do like the place and the Guinness certainly is the best I've had in the city but I'm by no means a wealthy man and being overcharged like that hurts!