Our first full day in Boston and we stumbled upon this Café at a time when refreshment was much needed. It also gave us a chance to lose the two school parties we were squashed between on the Freedom Trail, and give them the slip. Our party of 6 ordered an assortment of Bagels & Pastries, and being English, a nice cup of Tea each. I went for the Coffee as the aroma was too enticing. Bagels and Pastries were devoured and enjoyed by all and my coffee tasted every bit as good as the smell. The Tea however, was weak & lukewarm. This was a trend we were to experience on many occasions on our 3 week New England Road Trip. Boiling water is a must when making a ‘proper’ cup of Tea, to allow the tea to brew to full flavour and to remain hot when the milk is added. Perhaps it’s a ‘Health & Safety’ issue, to not give customers boiling water? Anyway, that’s enough of me banging-on about the intricacies’ of tea making. The experience was otherwise, very pleasurable (especially for me, I had the Coffee) and re-charged us for the onward walk to finish the Freedom Trail without getting caught up in crowds of enthusiastic School children. A recommended stop-off for Breakfast or Lunch on the Freedom Trail.