We went to Oliva to celebrate a colleague's birthday. Despite making a reservation, they had us wait and had to move some folks who were eating to make place for us. Once we'd ordered, the food took forever to arrive. A few of us got the set Lasagne (Vegetarian/Cream sauce) and Pasta (Chicken and Asparagus-Mushroom respectively) lunches. The soup was like baby food - no flavour, no texture. The lasagnes and pastas were awful. We had to send the lasagne back because it was drowning in oil. They did replace it with a vegetarian pasta but by then the damage was done. Folks who ordered sandwiches (Meatball, Vegetable, Salmon) weren't very happy either. All 10 of us had leftover food on our plates, not because portion sizes were big but because the food was downright awful. All of us agreed that the Cokes & Sprites were the best part of the meal! The service was friendly and the decor, decent, but nothing in there could've made up the food. A definite diss.