When i walked in, alarm bells were already ringing but since i had made a reservation, there was no turning back. The place was completely empty at peak dinner-time. The servers were very polite and attentive, but it turned out to be fueled by a vague sense of desperation as hardly any other customers turned out the entire night, and i soon found out why. My companion had a tomato-based pasta with soup and dessert set, and i had a 12" pepperoni pizza. The pasta came soon, along with an apologetic warning that the pizza would take a while because it was being prepared a la minute. "Made to order? That's a good sign!" I thought. Meanwhile, the pasta was dry and stiff, the sauce uninspired, and the toppings skimpy. The accompanying soup was served in a tiny bowl just barely heated. We were hopeful for the pizza to save the day. Alas, that was too much to ask for. Despite taking more than 40 minutes in total, which should have been enough even to toss the crust from scratch, the pizza came out very dry and hard (it must be a trend), over-baked to the point of being burnt (which i'm usually fine with if the pizza itself is fresh and supple), and with similarly scant and dry toppings. The tiramisu was pitifully small and leaning harder than the famous tower in its country of origin. Oliva gets one extra star only for the apologetic and eager service staff.