This location was closed down for a few years when the recession hit, then magically reopened. They didn't do a very detailed cleaning of it, I would say. We went here because we were at uhaul next door and the parking lot was slow so we decided for a quick bite to eat. I asked if the server if I could instead of getting fries or hash browns, upgrade to the tater tots with bacon and cheese. The waiter said no, there is no substitutions and the manager is here so I can't get around it. So I got hash browns as my side and paid an extra $3.99 to get the tater tots. I ended up THROWING AWAY the hash browns because I didn't want them to begin with. When I got to the register to pay, there was an advertisement to upgrade to the tater tots for 99 cents. I asked the cashier about it, told her what the waiter said, and she said well I am the manager and I am right here. Maybe he doesn't know, I'll tell him, or maybe there isn't a button for that on the computer. She NEVER ONCE offered to fix THEIR mistake in adjusting the price. I feel like they are pulling a scam to get better sales. Guess what, I won't be back. There's an IHOP 3 blocks way, and other Denny's not to far are cleaner than this one.