After coming here for several months for my tea, I have finally made time to try the food they began offering a while back. I usually keep a well stocked pantry but they have a decent selection of grocery items to choose from. The prices are not as good as the big markets on west Colonial or Pine Hills BUT the time and gas saved more than makes up for it with its convenience for the items they DO offer that I need. Being Caucasian, I have at times been treated differently and even talked down to at several of the various ethnic markets. Most tend to just judge me on my appearance and assume I do not understand the cuisine or ingredients used in it. The staff has NEVER been anything less than friendly and helpful when I have interacted with them. They have taken time to explain things when I have asked questions and it is why I keep coming back. The Jasmine tea they recommended to me is now one of my favorites along with the Lychee tea. I have seen the reviews and the food and have said many times I was going to grab a bite to eat the next time I am there. Well today I feasted on the Spicy Ramen and an order of Spring Rolls. Everything was made fresh right in front of me since I could see into the kitchen area. Since I love to cook, I was thrilled to have a chance to see everything being made. I could go into great detail on how good that bowl of Ramen was but you really need to try it for yourself. I never looked closely at the menu to start and when I did, I realized I was eating a vegetarian Ramen and really enjoying it. If you were blindfolded, you would be hard pressed to know you were not having a Ramen with Beef. I had to force myself not to grab the bowl and start drinking the broth after eating everything else. I just wanted to take my time savoring the rich flavor. The spring rolls was nice and crisp and the contents has a nice flavor that when dipped in the sauce provided was a perfect match. I had a bottle of unsweetened tea that I found in the drink case