We walked past this place every day on our way to/from the Shaw metro and it was packed every night, so we thought we'd check it out. So glad we did! We each got a veggie sambusa; I got the Veggie sampler and hubs got some kind of wot. It was so delicious! And the prices are some of the cheapest Ethiopian food I've seen. The staff is very efficient and fast; our server had a very welcoming smile and personality. The restaurant is too small, so parties wait for tables to leave and as soon as one is clear, another party is seated. So, be prepared to stand around for a little bit - I think we waited 10-15 mins with another group in front of us; not too bad. The part that really impressed us was that while were were seated outside, it began to rain, so they immediately moved us inside - not sure who got bumped on the wait list, but we were grateful. They put umbrellas up as soon as they could, but it was one of those sideways rains, so not much to be done about that. They serve breakfast, too, but in the week I stayed nearby, I never saw a soul in there in the morning. There is a fabulous muffin shop a few doors down, though... Other than limited seating, the only negative I can think of is the bathroom - tiny, smelly, and moldy - try not to get too grossed out - there is still hot water and soap.