I'd admit, the last time I visited was 3 years ago. Then the quality had already fallen but since then I noticed Jalan Kayu Roti Prata Shops turning up all over the island especially inside malls, the food must have improved right? Well at Thasevi Jakan Kayu, apparently not. The plain prata was really nothing to shout about. Neither crispy nor hot even at 4.30pm. We place an order for 3 plain and these came 15 mins later. We assumed it was being made fresh. The Soup Kambing, sigh, disappointing in many ways. Soup cold, watered-down and bland. They used to have richer broths. Now sadly forgettable.... Redeeming items were the fish curry that came with it was still good. The Teh Halia was not overly sweet, in fact we asked for less sweet and they did. Overall: 4/10 Just don't go.