Just had a takeout menu of two different pizza's, two potato crochetta, two risotto crochetta, four fried olive balls and two drinks for €17. One pizza box was leaking a stream of fluid while walking down the street to our hotel that was around the corner. Probably from the tomatoes or rucola. However, there was a lot of fluid coming out of the box and we were kind of surprised by the amount.. Unfortunately, this pizza was so terrible that we decided not to eat it. It tasted a little bit burned, though it didn't look that way. Also, the fluid got into the bread, which made the pizza soaky. Besides that, the ingredients did not taste well. I hate throwing food away, but this pizza was uneatable. The other pizza was okay, 5/10 at the most. Broccoli on the pizza tasted like it was not fresh and the meat had big lumps of fat. However, crust and mozzarella were good and overall flavour had potential. Potato crochetta was a fried big lump of mashed potato without any sauce or flavour. Not bad, but nothing interesting. Risotto crochetta was okay. We didn't eat more than two of the olive balls. We wondered if these extras were homemade (I guess not...) Overall, it feels like we just threw €17 away. Too bad, 'cause it sounded like a good deal and the place looked fair.