Despite the awkward name, and the varied reviews, me and a buddy ventured here as I was in desperate need of gluten free pancakes. I know these can be made well-particularly using indian receipes, and better than Portage Bay have ever been able to offer. Would this be the holy grail of pancake I had searched for? When my dish landed I felt a surge of happiness, which, when drizzled in syrup and placed in my mouth, quadrupled. I had found nirvana. Heaven on a plate. The PERFECT pancake, with-oh my god- vegetarian flat sausage that tasted like the real deal, AND perfect eggs. Needless to say we visited here again, bringing a larger crowd. No matter what meals were ordered, everyone was impressed with their food. As vegan/vege/gluten free options go, this place runs over Chaco Canyon, doesn’t make you bus your own plates, or cost the earth. For those commenting that the people are wearing saris and the eastern music…well that’s just what this place is. It is a place run by followers of a certain guru, they make money for the guru, the guru is happy, they are following the guru because it makes them happy-they make amazing food- I am happy. We are all winners.