I ordered take-away Kebabs when the order was nearly complete I noticed the girl holding my Kebab with un-gloved hands. I was horrified that would happen in this day and age. I then watched what she would do with the next Kebab I had ordered and she did the same thing she held the Kebab with her un-gloved held it together to wrap the paper around the bottom 3/4's of it leaving an opening to start eating at. Then she used her bare hand again to push the open end down into the bag. I went to the counter and asked why she was handling my food without gloves - an older lady came over then and told me it was ok because she didn't handle the money - which makes no difference -there were a box of gloves sitting on the counter they just weren't used - the worse part is she did handle our money we paid the girl who made our order and handled our food. They did not offer a refund or to remake our order they just did not care - I have low immunity due to health issues and so do others in the community - I was lucky I did not get sick the next person may not be - it if a fact germs are most easily spread through hand contact. DO NOT EAT AT THE STORE