With over 6 chidren you can imagine McDonald's (and the toys) shows up consistently on places to eat. This organization has decades of experience (we would hope) to get it right and it is amazing that the more we frequent the CORPORATE STORE's the more disappointed in the business as a whole we are. Perhaps Cohen does not care OUR average spend in one of his restaurants is $64.32 (after working with McD's internationally and the wannbee University in IL - believe you me that is significantly higher than the average receipt). Anyhow one store in particular, Erin Mills Parkway and Folwer 0n Mississauga is a joke - you sepnf time sitting in a crappy line then some smart rump tells you after you have already paid and received 1/3 of your meals that you have to wait "over there" for the rest of the meals - then approximatley 6-14 minutes later you finally get the remainder of the meals. This would not be so bad for adults - but give 5 and 7 year olds their food before a 2 or 3 year old and you have a war on your hands - you wait - great then people complain their food is cold. It is not as if McD's has a complicated forecasting model (cook and shove in container and sit on shelf) - why does this never happen at Harvey's and their burgers are made to order. Good McDonald's to visit in Mississauga - Dundas just east of Mavis - SUPER SERVICE AND SUPER LADIES!!!!!