Cody’s Café. What can I say..? I actually thanked the lady at the cashier after I demolished my burger and told her how delightful it was. In fact, I almost jumped across the counter to hug he- it was that great. Menu was impossible to choose from, everything looked so delicious. I am an absolute FIENNDD for Mexican (sometimes when I eat out for breakfast, and the café permits, I will 9 times out of 10 order nachos for breakfast.) Anyway, that aside- the word ‘Jalepeno’ caught my eye for my Mexican fetish and my eyes lit up when I saw this Mexican burger. Perfectly toasted bun (and I MEAN perfectly toasted, grilled chicken, smashed avo and a homemade salsa of tomato, capsicum and jalepenos etc finished with a creamy perinaise to compliment this glorious burger. The only think I could fault (and this is me being picky) was that the tomatoes fell out of the burger- but hey! It’s me-hic-an!! It’s supposed to be messy! 10 out of 10 guys! I wish I was a local. Because I am loco for this burger!