I had just arrived in Singapore and fancied a curry. I wandered down to the Boat Quay which wasn't so far from my hotel and I just picked on the Indian House as it seemed to be quite popular. And it had nice views over the river. With a Kingfisher beer quickly I ordered I glanced through the menu and I decided to go for the standard choice I usually make when visiting an Indian restaurant on my trips in the UK. That is papadams with assorted pickles, onion bhajis followed by chicken vindaloo with pilau rice. The food came quite quickly and was obviously a local version of what I have come to expect in the UK. I missed some decent lime pickle to accompany the papadams and the onion bhajis were uniformly prepared from slices of onions which seemed to have been deep fried in the chickpea batter. They were so uniformly shaped that I couldn't help wondering if they hadn't come out of the deep freezer. As I was halfway through my bhajis my main course arrived. Now that really irritates me. I had it sent back so that I could finish one thing before the next arrived. Perhaps this is local culture but I didn't appreciate having my food all piled up in front of me. Anyway the vindaloo was OK - plenty of white chicken in a reddish sauce with potatoes. Hot & spicy? No, not really. I skipped a dessert, had a second beer and then headed back to my hotel to escape the Singaporean heat and get a decent nights sleep.